Originally posted on 14-Feb-2005
Its finally all over and finished. Friday night I repainted the side panel at my office downtown after draping plastic dropcloths over everything. I waited about 2 hours between coats and stayed with it until 3 in the morning Saturday and left it to dry overnight. I came back to fetch it around noon and it was still slightly soft, but dry enough for careful transport back to my place. I put the side on to check it out, and it looked great. I'm not even going to mess with the handles. Its not like I have time to put them on now anyway. I had already built the system and assembled the parts in another spare case and I was just waiting for the case to be finished for the final transplant. Here's what I got for him.
AMD Athlon 64 3200+ retail (the stock heatsink is nice and quiet, too)
Heres a picture after I'd stuffed the appropriate stuff in the case:
And here it is all set up:
A shot with the lights off:
A little closer:
From the front:
From the side:
Close up on the cutout:
Even closer. Funny story, I cut the plexi that I melted earlier as well as a new piece, but I loved the way the light looked through the textured piece better. So in it went permanently. I think it looks great.
Here's the my stepdad, enjoying his game.
I promised video too, and here it is for those interested (AVI, about 9mb)
And that concludes project Delta Force. He stayed up almost all night and couldnt stop complimenting me on how he can play at maximum resolution with all the bells and whistles on max. It was a learning experience for sure, especially the bondo part. I almost gave up on it a few times because of those damn holes, but my wife wouldn't let me quit, and I'm glad she didn't. Everyone was pleased with the final result, even me. Edit:But wait!, there's more on the next page! |