Project: CARBOMB

Project: STINGER

Project: MACSE

Project: ERWIN

Project: I-OPENER

Watercooled PSU

Watercooling Carbomb

Vocano6cu+ mod

Custom Reservoir

Floppy LED mod

Clear Hard Drive

Auto Neon mod

Celeron Lapping

Rubi-Con 5

Millerman Comics

Arlington Tales Comics

Domo-Kun PhotoChops

Lafayette Brewing Co.

Pics of my Abode

PUGG LAN9 Pictures

Posted on 30-March-2005

After a pretty short time (2 or 3 weeks) the green "lightning" cathode's inverter ate itself, so I picked up a new regular Thermaltake Cold cathode. I secretly was pretty disappointed with the old one anyway. It wasn't nearly as bright as I wanted it, and the lightning effect was lost, with it being shoved into the corner, away from the window.

I snapped a few new pics while I had the opportunity

I think that looks a lot better. It can also be sound reactive, but who really wants that?

Any Questions? Just want to drop me a line? Email me: