Project: CARBOMB

Project: STINGER

Project: MACSE

Project: ERWIN

Project: I-OPENER

Watercooled PSU

Watercooling Carbomb

Vocano6cu+ mod

Custom Reservoir

Floppy LED mod

Clear Hard Drive

Auto Neon mod

Celeron Lapping

Rubi-Con 5

Millerman Comics

Arlington Tales Comics

Domo-Kun PhotoChops

Lafayette Brewing Co.

Pics of my Abode

PUGG LAN9 Pictures

Originally posted on 11-Feb-2005

I only got it prepped enough to prime and add a little more bondo to some low spots last night, so I have to do all my painting tonight, and tomorrow morning.

Anyhow, while I'm wasting my time here at work, I pose this question to you.

I bought some handles at the hardware store, and my wife thinks I'd be stupid to put them on this case, but I think the recipient will think they are really cool.

I got these white plastic handles, that if used, will be painted black or primer grey.
They have been sloppily photoshopped for illustrative purposes:

And I got these brushed aluminum handles that are slightly smaller.

And then of course, you could side with my wife and vote for no handles at all.

I look forward to your input.