Here's what I started with, only mine has a greenish cover plate.
Here's a dead-on shot of the front with the drive cover down.
A look at the side with the panel off. notice the curve from the ass to the front. Dead sexy.
A closer look at the goodies. That HSF used to be a Thermaltake Volcano 6cu+ and was a real noisy bastard at 7,000 rpm, I made a 7volt adapter and it still too loud for my bedroom, so I decided to put a water cooling system in. The rear fan was taken out completely, but I put a Vantec Stealth that I won in a moddin.net Contest. I have since routed the pump cord up around the frame, and into the PSU, where I wired it in to the main power, so I wouldn't need yet another cord coming out of the case.