Project: CARBOMB

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Originally posted on 04-Feb-2005

Last night I thought it looked good enough to primer. 2 coats on the top, and one on the underside for good measure. Here's what it looked like this morning.

I broke out some more hot glue and finished up the camo wrap. It looks good and tight. I also wrapped some scrap around a piece of foam board to test the polyurethane I picked up.

Here's a better shot of the test piece, even wrapped around a funny round angle for simulation purposes.

Now, to see if this urethane stuff is going to work. I picked up a small tin of this stuff here:

"quick drying" 4-6 hours between coats

I applied with a natural bristle brush as recommended and it darkened the fabric a lot. Here's where I applied it to the test piece in red:

I then took it to the storage closet and used Krylon Satin Clearcoat on the upper end of the test piece for comparison, and let the piece dry for approximately 4 hours.

This is what it looked like when I pulled it out:

The area in red is where I used the polyurethane, and it was still quite dark, and even lightly damp still, but it had warped the tape, the cloth seemed pretty unaffected other than being much darker now. The upper part of the cloth is where I sprayed with the Krylon Clearcoat, and it has warped and stiffened. I can say for certain I won't be using it on the cloth, but I'm still not sure about the polyurethane. I applied another coat about an hour ago, and imagine it will take many more coats before it would be sandable.

Another day down, and the parts may be arriving tonight, I still don't know if I'm putting acrylic on the main piece, and may have to re-do the side panel's bondo. I did find someone willing to let me paint in thier garage this weekend, so I can't really waste that opportunity.

I'm rambling now, so I'm going to get back to real life for a few hours.