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I lack the torch and solder compound needed to solder the copper...and I was going for cheap in this project anyhow. Instead I went for this glue-type compound.

I fitted the copper parts together and used the copper glue to bond them, And I screwed in the mosfets to keep them in order and make soldering easier.

Then I turned it upside-down and glued the bottom side of the copper sheet to the power supply's own two heatsinks. I soldered on the extention wires and put heatshrink tubing over the bare connectors.

It appears now that everything is done, so I put it back in the PSU case, and I only applied power to it for a couple of seconds to make sure it still worked.


I inspected it and found I had blown a fuse. My best guess is that the metal screws are conducting to the copper plate back to the other mosfets....or maybe it was the mosfet leg I broke off (but fixed).

Anyhow, this project is on hold until I get a couple new fuses.

Any Questions?, Email me: dave@unixmonkey.net