Warning: virtual() [function.virtual]: Unable to include '/leftbar.htmlf' - request execution failed in /usr/home/dajones/www/unixmonkey/archive/articles/waterpsu/page2.php on line 15 |
The idea is simple enough...The things attached to the heatsinks are the primary source of heat inside the PSU, so I will relocate them to a watercooled surfce plate, as a crude waterblock. I decided upon using this waterplate idea because the mosfets (the hot things) need to be mounted by a screw to the surfce of its heatsink. I was also worried about a leaking waterblock seam or something...this design only requres one tube, and its fittings are on the outside of the PSU completely. I think you'll get the picture as I go on. Here are a couple of shots of the PSU innards. ![]() ![]() So first thing I did was de-solder the mosfets off of the surface of the PCB and unscrew them from the heatsink, and in thier place: solder in a bunch of lengths of wire. ![]() ![]() |